Khnuma Simmonds is a full-time mompreneur with two sons, a doctoral candidate with a Ph.D. in Advanced Studies in Human Behavior in progress, an advocate for survivors of domestic violence, a mental health professional, a dancer, a lover of family and owner of six unique businesses under the GirlfriendismTM umbrella! As the Founder and Visionary of this global brand, her passion is women’s empowerment, and her purpose is to support women through fashion, fitness, wellness, business, philanthropy, and travel!
@mgcstx, @sokhdancefitness
@mgcstx, @girlfriendism

Dr. Khnuma Simmonds is one of the 21 Women to Watch in the US Virgin Islands and a co-author of the #1 Bestselling book Passion and Purpose: Inspiring Stories on Business, Leadership and Life