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Are you an Overcomer, Speaker, Minister, or Coach and have encouraging words to say to women?

It’s time to share your story!

Courageous Woman Magazine is preparing to present the upcoming inspirational book,

Girl, Get Up and Win!

The motivational, call-to-action book to encourage women through some of life’s most difficult challenges.

The book will feature women with courageous stories of bravery, overcoming obstacles, and prevailing over tragedy. The goal is to make this book a powerful tool to inspire, uplift, and empower women!

We anticipate the book will be a hot bestseller!


Ready to become an author?

If you desire to be an author and have something encouraging to say, but not quite ready to write a whole book, Girl, Get Up and Win is an opportunity for you to share your story or testimony in one chapter along with other authors.

If you’re already an author, adding Girl, Get Up and Win to your list of authored books will help you gain additional exposure, increase your network, and create new opportunities.

Topics to be covered in this book include





Relationships (Mother and child, siblings, family, grandparents, etc.)






Emotion Pain

Physical pain


Domestic Violence







Mama issues

Daddy issues


Child Abuse


Single Mother







Unhealthy Relationships

Weight loss


 Author’s instructions

Each author will select a topic and write their story based on the topic. It will include your headshot, an attention-grabbing title, a personal story of up to 1,000 words, and your photo will be included. Each story must be inspirational and offer a personal solution or tips to help get through the struggle!

LIMITED TO 2 AUTHORS PER TOPIC. Submit now to get the category you want.


Benefits of Becoming an Author

  • Expand your brand
  • Increase influence
  • Build credibility
  • Increase network
  • Unexpected opportunities
  • Get booked to speak
  • Attract new clients and more


 Q & A

Where will the book be available?

The book will be available at Amazon, bookstores, and other locations online.


Do the co-authors get paid from the book sales?

Co-authors will have the opportunity to earn money by purchasing books wholesale and reselling them and host their own books signing events. Authors will be given tips on hosting events and profiting from the book.


Will there be a book launch party?

Yes, once the book is available a book launch party will be scheduled and held in Los Angeles.  Co-authors are also encouraged to have their own book signing parties with friends and family, as well as collaborate with other co-authors to host parties in their city. The photo is from our books signing for our collaboration book, What is a Courageous Woman. It was an amazing experience to produce this book featuring 78 co-authors.


I have many stories in several categories that I could share to encourage women. Can I submit more than one chapter?

Yes, co-authors can submit multiple stories in different categories. Each story must be submitted separately as a new submission.


Are there any other requirements?

Co-authors are required to submit their material on time by the deadline. No exceptions or refunds. Co-authors are required to participate in the online book signing party and purchase at least one book on Amazon on the day of the party and build a team of 5-10 friends and family to buy the book on the day of the launch party.

Will the author’s names be listed on the book cover?

Yes, all co-authors names will be included on the back cover of the book.


Will the co-author’s photo be included on the book cover?

Yes, the first 8 authors who confirm package #3 will have their photo included on the back cover of the book.


Is there a written agreement with the overview of this project?

Yes, there is a basic agreement that includes all the details.


Is there an investment to be part of this book collaboration?

Yes, there is a minimal investment. There are numerous expenses to produce books, from editing to design to distribution, and more. Collaborating with authors helps to reduce the cost because all the authors contribute toward the expenses.


What is the investment to be a co-author in this book?

The basic investment is $50 until Friday, January 12th EXTENDED DEADLINE

There are 3-tier price packages. After January 12, 2019, the $50 package will be eliminated.


Option #1

Includes one chapter in the book

Name listed on the back cover of the book

Name listed as a co-author in the press release



Option #2

Includes one chapter in the book

Name listed on the back cover of the book

Get one chapter in the book

Name listed in book chapters

Name listed as a co-author in the press release

Photo Promo card to share on social media

2 books


20 postcard flyers



Option #3

Includes one chapter in the book

Name listed on the back cover of the book

Get one chapter in the book

Name listed in book chapters

Name listed as a co-author in the press release

Photo Promo card to share on social media

Your photo included as a co-author on the back cover of the book. (Only first 8 full-paid #3 submission)

4 books


25 postcard flyers

Social media shares

A 2-page article in special book promo edition (You must submit the article per instructions)

Online article promo with links to your website


Girl Get Up and Win


Deadline for Chapter Submission March 4, 2019

If you need time to pay the fee in installments, we will split your fee into 2 payments for you. (Plan applies to option #3 only. Payments must be complete in 30 days. A $10 administration fee will be added)

Got more questions? Email us at


If you have already submitted the form before, please re-submit, add your category and select and confirm your option.

NOTE: Be sure that if your Paypal account is under a business name, write your name and email address in the notes of the Paypal when you confirm your payment. You may also confirm with an email to


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Topic: Girl Get Up and Win
Time: Jan 10, 2019 4:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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