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An Empower Player is an authentic, confident, driven woman who is dedicated to using her platform to inspire, educate and empower others?

Introducing EmPower Player, Kearn Crockett Cherry

When one door is closed, go to the next one, if that one is closed go around to the back, if  that one is closed, Create Your OWN, but never give up.” “Success Must Be Taken.”


Kearn Cherry is a master collaborator, connector,  speaker, coach, entrepreneur, and author.


An Empower Player uses her skills and abilities to empower others, how has your work supported others?

I am empowering others to focus on building their personal brand visibility using digital platforms.  To use this time to create new connections and collaborations. The time is NOW!


Tell us about your business? 

 I am the owner of PRN Home Care for over 23 years.  Our caregivers serve the elderly and disabled in their home, and facilities.  Providing much-needed assistance especially now. Our caregivers run errands, take our clients to doctor appointments, cooking, bathing and more.

I also have produced conferences for over 15 years. Success Women’s Conference is in its 6th year with over 1,000 attendees from 25 states. Our goal is to empower, inspire and connect women through the workshop and bring in a speaker from around the country.   Power Up Summit is to help speakers, coaches, entrepreneur and career transition individuals to power up their lives and businesses.


What are your overall goals for 2020?

Empower women to collaborate and build streams of revenue.


What’s next on your Empowering agenda?

I will be releasing my first book anthology called “Trailblazers Who Lead” featuring over 25 co-authors and the book signing will be at my new Power Up Summit which will be July 31-August 2, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana.  I do have the Success Women’s Conference which will be September 11-13, 2020 in Biloxi, Mississippi. 


What is your definition of a Courageous Woman?

A Courageous Woman walks in faith.  She is Gutsy, Audacious, Bold, and Fearless.


How can readers connect with you?

You can find me under Kearn Cherry, Kearn Crockett Cherry, or PRN Home Care on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.  Go to my websites at,,, and



Read Her Cover Story 





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