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Jovani Peter - Courageous Woman Magazine

Jovani Peter is among the 21 Women To Watch from the US Virgin Islands in 2023. She is also a co-author of the Bestselling book, Passion, and Purpose: 21 Inspiring Stories from Women in the US Virgin Islands on Business, Leadership, and Life


Jovani Peter is a retired veteran, travel agent, and co-owner of a women’s boutique. She is active in women’s, veterans, and other community organizations. She aims to empower and support those around her to create lasting legacies while building strong foundations. As a married mom of 3, her days are adventure-filled, and every day is an opportunity to be better. 


My chapter, “Small Steps, Big Gains,” is from the viewpoint of a new entrepreneur who journeys into the unknown world of self-employment. It describes the rollercoaster of emotions associated with and the excitement of what is about to come. It is also a relatable experience for those still deciding their path.


What inspired you to write this story and contribute to the book?

My business partners encouraged me to tell my story when I thought I had nothing to offer. They reminded me that there may be others that could benefit from my story.

“I hope readers will gain insight into my life and be inspired.”

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