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Chidell Watkins Cover. story Courageous Woman Magazine



Chidell Watkins, known as Chidell Speaks, is a sought-after international speaker and best-selling author who delivers compelling stories of resilience in the most powerful way!


She shares the power of resilience in overcoming a painful experience of rape when she was 18. She is fun, entertaining, and engaging! Even if you shed a tear, she will somehow make you smile, laugh, and encourage you to know that you will be OK!


She is also the founder of Girlfriends Connected and Etiquette Plus. She began to see how sharing her stories and experiences were connecting women across the globe as well as positively impacting the lives of other people. She is passionate about helping others in any capacity she can.


The more she spoke to people, at the end of the conversation they’d say “thanks coach”!

Then her journey began!


She has been recognized as one of the top 25 businesses to look out for in 2021 by Courageous Women Magazine, Courageous Women’s Magazine 2020 Empower Player, Black Business Women Rock’s January 2021 Queen of Excellence, and was honored with the Black Business Women Rock’s 2021 Sister’s Sipping Success in Business Award!


We had an opportunity to speak to Chidell to learn a little bit more about who she is!


What motivated you to start this business?


I was motivated to start my businesses Girlfriends Connected and Chidell Speaks because I began to see how sharing my stories was positively helping and connecting other women. I am passionate about helping others in any capacity that I can. It’s a great feeling of fulfillment and the more I spoke to people, at the end of the conversation they’d say “thanks coach”! Then the journey began.

Chidell Watkins Courageous Woman Magazinee

Did you have any setbacks or challenges you had to overcome in your journey to entrepreneurship?


Some of the challenges I had to overcome were being able to juggle my family, full-time job, and entrepreneurship. My children are adults now but I still work full time and I am what I was told is a parapreneur working a full time job and working my business. So before and after the day job, I work on my own business which can be challenging at times but I find ways to make it work


What will people gain from supporting your business?


In supporting my business as a speaker people will gain tools, tips, and ideas on how to use their power of resilience to overcome the wounds they have experienced in life. They will know for sure that they are worthy, they WILL be ok, and to not give up, no matter what! When it comes to Girlfriends Connected, we are focused on the connection, development, transformation, and empowerment of women of all races, and social and economic backgrounds. We support each other in overcoming obstacles and celebrate us as women as well as the accomplishments that we have achieved thus far and the ones that we have yet to celebrate.


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