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Lydia Logie Moolenaarl - Courageous Woman Magazine

Lydia Logie Moolenaar is among the 21 Women To Watch from the US Virgin Islands in 2023. She is also a co-author of the Bestselling book, Passion, and Purpose: 21 Inspiring Stories from Women in the US Virgin Islands on Business, Leadership, and Life


Lydia Logie Moolenaar is an attorney in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Whether personal, professional or on behalf of her LOVED clients, Lydia has come to accept that her struggles for and on behalf of her clients have bonded them together—it’s all about love. She has two grown children, Julissa Moolenaar and Marcus Moolenaar, who are “Striding Strong.”

My chapter, entitled Today, “I am in My Garden” assisted me in reflecting on what I thought was a struggle that would end my life and, in the end, lead me to a place where, maybe because of it or despite it, I find myself in the most unimaginable place.


What inspired you to write this story and contribute to the book?

I was contacted by Ms. Johanna Samuel, who believed that my life and my current position had been an inspirational journey and that my story may inspire others.


What do you hope readers will gain from reading this chapter?

I want to show all the possible roadblocks that could have led to a different place, but with persistence and the need to rise above the dread, a decision could be made to be different and to win.

“Lessons learned in all this is to remember that “life is a Journey, whether it is a struggle or not, remember that you are going somewhere, so make it good!”



Law Offices of Lydia L. Moolenaar

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