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In a nutshell, I am Ebony Nicole the writing coach, published author, publishing engineer, transformational speaker, panelist, vice president of a not-for-profit, and daughter of the King. One word to describe me would be ENDURANCE. It is such because, despite the valley lows, the treacherous climb up, and the views at the top of the mountain, I haven’t given up.


What is the title of your chapter?

To Fight or Flight


Give a description of your chapter 

In my chapter, I hope the readers will understand what it takes to write and release one’s written words. Writing a piece based on life is hard because they are allowing people to see into the intimate places of their hearts and minds. There should be great appreciation and respect for each author that penned her story.


What inspired you to write this story and contribute to the book?

FAITH, DETERMINATION, and OBEDIENCE are needed to write and release your story. If you can have all three at one time, nothing can stop you, hinder you, cause you to doubt, or even scare you from the process.


What do you hope readers will gain from reading this chapter?

Having the idea to write a manuscript based on your story is one thing. Actually doing it, is another. You become what FEARLESS means when you move from an idea to a published book. Fearless is to LACK FEAR. Many want-to-be authors but aren’t able to lack fear. 

“A Courageous Woman sees the troubled road and decides to walk it anyway.”







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