Laquita Monley Courageous WomanMagazinee

For Immediate Release






Do you know who you are?

Have you discovered your purpose? How do you define success?

Author, Dr. Laquita Monley says everything hinges on Identify.


In her new Book, Redefining Success, 8 Tools I Used to Develop a Growth Mindset,  Dr. Laquita Monley says that self-awareness is the filter for our desires. “Identity undergirds our values, aspirations, and overall view of what it means to excel in life. Without the revelation of who we were created to be, a huge gulf tends to exist between where we are and what we are called to be, do, and experience. Lacking this inner knowing causes us to get caught up in fantasies and fallacies about who we are and what we want, which sets us up for a trail of disappointments.”


Redefining Success helps you to determine who or what has defined success for you and how to take control and define success for yourself. It equips you with practical, implementable tools that can help you on this journey called life.

Dr. LaQuita Monley operates in purpose and expertise as a transformational coach, mentor, and international speaker. LaQuita’s mantle is to charge others with the task of progressing into the best version of themselves. As a certified John Maxwell speaker, coach, trainer, and facilitator, LaQuita seamlessly shifts from ministry to the marketplace with transformative messages on mindset and leadership that produce real-life growth strategies.


If you’re ready to learn more about this book, and about your own identity, grab your copy of the book Redefining Success: 8 Tools I’ve Used to Develop a Growth Mindset from Amazon today!

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