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Skip to contentSo, What’s Blue Red? Dee Dee Kelly’s Celebrity Makeup Magic Dee Dee Kelly, the renowned makeup artist to stars like Patti LaBelle, Mariah Carey, Kim
As a busy professional and dedicated mom, maintaining a healthy weight can seem like a daunting task. But with a few simple lifestyle changes and
Self-care is the buzzword on the streets these days. However, self-care is more than shopping sprees and spa days. What does it mean to practice
In order to live your healthiest life possible, it’s imperative to focus on your fitness. And the best way to meet your health goals is
Photographers: Patrina Anthony Tanieka Vance Randall is an Oncology nurse, bestselling author, international speaker, and cancer survivor who created her own hair growth product after
Dr. Telishia Berry Strives to Support Women to Achieve Incredible Dreams Through Courageous Woman Magazine and Strive International Publishing.
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